Thursday, August 25, 2011

No Economic Collapse

by Tom Wise

The idea that “they” are keeping things afloat until “they” can sink “us” is wrong.

“They” don’t have that kind of power. They can’t control markets for long periods of time. They can’t stop markets from rising again.

“They” have the military but they don’t control commerce or, more importantly, hunger. Sure, they can impose martial law, even the Mark of Satan, to prevent buying and selling but they don’t control yearning for freedom. No matter how far down they push “us” the law of humanity eventually unleashes the spring upwards.

Is the stock market upheld artificially? No. The fact that the money supply is increased, causing inflation, does not suck the gray matter out of the heads of professional investors. If the Dow is up, it’s up for good reason. The same does not, however, apply to when the Dow is down. America is optimistic. Remember that. The market wants to go up, and never wants to go down. The market nearly always takes a steep dive down, hardly ever an ordered decline. But when the market goes up, it can be meteoric or steady. This means something, basically that pessimism is short-lived but optimism takes many forms. Never bet against America long-term.

Is the bond market upheld artificially? No. While US Treasuries are the backbone of the world’s bond system, other bond instruments have their own strength not depending on American power. Municipal bonds can exist outside the realm of federal power. Corporate bonds are based on asset muscle, not US military might. International bonds have sovereign support. Now, if you are exclusively into US bonds there is naturally inordinate exposure to loss but this applies to all investments. Eggs in one basket, and all that.

Is the currency market upheld artificially? No. If such things were possible, the dollar would always be #1. Saying that the dollar has outlived its usefulness to “them” as a way to explain its decline is not facing the problem. The dollar is weak because interest rates are artificially low and money supply artificially high. “They” control the printing press and the news cycle but not confidence (faith) in the dollar. Even if the US government went bust due to bankruptcy, the ability to trade in dollars is mainly ordered by another person’s willingness to take it, not the government’s willingness or ability to print more. Sure, when gold backs the dollar, it provides the taker of such dollar with more faith, but our society is not based on gold. It’s based on trust of each other. If I know that the supermarket will accept my dollar for eggs, I will gladly take your dollar. If the supermarket knows the bank will accept a dollar as tender for deposit and withdrawal, the supermarket will gladly accept a dollar. And so on, up to the central clearing house. What happens when the clearing house collapses? Another one takes its place. And what will back that faith in the dollar? Land. Work ethic. Technology. Creativity. All the things that built America and every other free society (if there is/was one). The only thing that can sink the dollar is socialism (loss of property rights, creativity and work not rewarded properly) or imposed fascism from without (another currency, like the yuan or dinar, taking the place of the dollar). These things can only take place if America is physically conquered. So don't let that happen!

Even in drastic economic situations, “things” have value. Paintings, rarities, coins – all collectibles have value because “they” have money and will pay for perceived investment. The only danger to owning collectibles is theft. This implies no law. As long as the rule of law is in control, the value of things will be normative. But if the world falls to tyranny (fiefdom, sheikdom, communism, etc), value systems will definitely have problems. So don't let that happen! How do we prevent tyranny? Simply speaking, we already have our templates of freedom: the US Constitution, the Magna Carta, the First Commandment. Teach these principles and be free, and also your things will retain consistent value. Your home and its equity, and all your possessions, will have intrinsic and barter value, freedom protecting the marketplace. Tyrannical regulation and taxation puts limits on or halts free trade.

Your time should also have normative worth, more so by acquired knowledge. Craftsmen, practical logicians, medical practitioners, solid lawyers, technicians, theologians and clergy, even psychics, have something of value to offer.

So, conspiracies be damned! Let “them” do their worst. “They” have always been out there, thinking they will take over the world. "We" control the market. "We" control value. "We" control faith in currency. Fascists and tyrants will not win. Evil will fail, love will prevail.

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